15 October 2008

Grey Area

Remember when you were a kid and you were told the good guys always win? In fact, forget about the bizarro-world of childhood--even as adults, we're told the same thing. Watch just about any popular movie; at their heart, they're all about the battle between good and evil (even if good is the girl next door and evil is the homewrecker with the implants)--and guess which one is winning. Well, winning onscreen, anyway. In real life the black hats have coaches and PR people, they know how to work the system, and they're not afraid to do whatever it takes to get what they want. The good guys, on the other hand, show up at the cage match with reason, ethics, and an outdated rule book. The heroes don't even get the crowd's support anymore; at least, not the ones who don't care about reason and ethics. They're too busy bullying everyone else for the good seats, running the bad guys' errands, and believing they'll get the big reward for their loyalty. Every day, the black hats gain a little more and the white hats care a little less.

It turns out the homewrecker gets the guy in the end, after all--the girl next door didn't put up much of a fight.

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