03 September 2008

Just like a normal person

I'm sad a lot. I'm sad that Douglas Adams died young while Anne Rice lives on, like one of her effete characters. I'm sad that people I love keep dying or leaving or losing themselves. I'm sad that the animals at the zoo look so depressed, and more so that it's still probably the best place for them. I'm sad that idiots can kill endangered animals for sport (or at all). I'm sad that young women care more about their purses and shoes than anything of real value. I'm sad that young men seem to think it's okay to be useless. I'm sad that people think being a spoiled brat is something to aspire to. I'm sad that in an overpopulated world people will go to ridiculous lengths to overpopulate it even more. I'm sad that religion is used (and accepted) as an excuse for all manner of atrocities. I'm sad that the people who should be leading are more concerned with attaining and maintaining power.

But, you know, I just can't bring myself to give a shit about the real or manufactured woes of attention-seeking celebrities (it's interesting that they suddenly feel the need to "share" their stories just as their new movie/album/reality show is coming out). Can we go back to actual news now?

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